English translation for "annuity period"
- 年金期间
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The assurance of annuities period for 10 years , get the person that be not worth 10 years to die , assure period the annuities inside is ok and successive , get the person that exceed long life of 10 years , can continue to till die , be gotten 养老金的保证期为十年,领取不足十年身亡者,保证期内的养老金可以继续,领取超过十年的长寿者,可继续领取直至身亡。 | | 2. | Be in no matter insurance premium consign period , still get in annuities period , if insurant dies , safe the contract ends namely stop , the underwriter did not reimburse insurance premium or give the obligation that pays old - age pension 不论在保险费交付期,还是在养老金领取期,如被保险人死亡,则保险合同即告终止,保险人没有退还保险费或给付养老金的义务。 |
- Similar Words:
- "annuity method of depreciation" English translation, "annuity mortality tables" English translation, "annuity on human life" English translation, "annuity on the last survivor" English translation, "annuity payable" English translation, "annuity policy analysis" English translation, "annuity reserve" English translation, "annuity rules" English translation, "annuity savings deposite" English translation, "annuity savings deposits" English translation